
As a museum for the movement, we are guided by lessons from the past and committed to the fight for the future. In the context of the climate and extinction crises, we all have a role to play to protect natural and cultural heritage for the generations to come. Take action.

Past Actions

Indigenous Science Letter

While Western Science is a powerful approach, it is not the only one. We teamed up with the Center for Native Peoples and the Environment to organize a March for Science endorsement letter affirming the role of Indigenous Science and traditional ways of knowing. Add your voice.


Scientists to AGU: Drop Exxon Sponsorship

The American Geophysical Union and ExxonMobil have a sponsorship deal, at the same time that Exxon is under investigation for its long history of climate denial campaigns. If the world’s largest association of climate and Earth scientists does not take a stand against climate misinformation, who will?


Keep it in the Museum

The climate crisis calls for leaders who are willing to do more than observe and curate history — it calls for leaders who are ready to help make it. Museums of science and natural history can be those leaders.