All Program Events

Interlude: The Sacred Remains

This short film illuminates some of the deeper tensions at play in struggles to protect sacred places: a clash of irreconcilable ways of understanding and relating to the land, and what happens when the Stateā€™s perspective has been codified into federal law and the input of Tribal Nations as sovereigns is disregarded.


Conservation by Dispossession

What if we understood fortress conservation not as the invention of patriotic nationalists in the American west, but as the renovation of a centuries-long process of primitive accumulation, where capitalist relations to land were violently imposed upon the world we share in common?


Kwel’ Hoy: We Draw the Line

Exhibition by the House of Tears Carvers of the Lummi Nation andĀ The Natural History Museum Kwelā€™ Hoy: We Draw the LineĀ is a cross-country tour, traveling museum exhibition, and series of


Kwel’ Hoy: We Draw the Line at the Smithsonian

The 2021 version of Kwel’ Hoy was launched to conclude the Red Road to DC: a cross-country totem pole journey for the protection of sacred places under threat from dams, climate change, and resource extraction.


International Indigenous Salmon Symposium

Join us for a live-streamed program of ceremony, song, and speakers from the three Salmon Seas, at a gathering dedicated to building Indigenous-led conservation alliances to restore the salmon at risk of extinction, and the world of relations they bring to life.