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Mackinaw City – #RedRoadtoDC

Join us for the last Red Road to DC  blessing ceremony and community-based event before our arrival in Washington DC. This event is hosted by the Bay Mills Indian Community and is dedicated to the protection of sacred sites and the waters of the Straits of Mackinac — threatened by the proposed Enbridge Line 5 pipeline.


White Earth – #RedRoadtoDC

This territory is the headwaters of the Red River and the Mississippi River; the territory of the Great Lakes. The current concern is that the Canadian corporation, Enbridge, is proposing a new route for their Line 3 pipeline replacement across a pristine water-rich environment. The lakes, streams, wetlands, and the Mississippi River would all be at risk. Line 3 is a clear danger to the climate, water, and land in Minnesota, and would undermine the Indigenous treaty rights of the Anishinaabe people.


Standing Rock – #RedRoadtoDC

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s struggle to protect sacred waters, lands, and treaty territories continues to this day. While the Biden administration issued an executive order canceling the Keystone XL pipeline upon taking office, it has not taken a similar stance on DAPL. The pipeline continues to flow while a court-ordered environmental review moves forward. DAPL violates Indigenous sovereignty and treaty rights and has failed to abide by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, which requires free and prior informed consent.


Missouri River – #RedRoadtoDC

Dakota/Lakota/Nakota communities are working to pass a resolution recognizing the sovereignty and rights of the Mni Sosa (Missouri River.) Traditional leaders want to restore the Ihanktonwan inherent Indigenous rights to be caretakers of the land and water of the region—a model for advancing tribal sovereignty in environmental and cultural protection through braiding thousands of years of knowledge and contemporary science to exercise the legal and inherent right to govern in the interests of humanity.


Black Hills – #RedRoadtoDC

The Black Hills were the casualty of one of the most blatant land grabs in U.S. history and continue to be the site of a legal and political confrontation. To the Lakota, they are Paha Sapa, ‘the heart of everything that is.’ “Colonization is the oldest form of white supremacy, and America is being called out and called up to acknowledge that. Mount Rushmore is yet another symbol of white supremacy and colonization, and until it is returned to the Lakota, we will continue to oppose it and fight for justice.”