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VIDEO: Free the Snake River

We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to restore wild salmon in the Pacific Northwest’s Columbia and Snake Rivers and their tributaries, once the greatest salmon rivers in the world. We can do this by removing four outdated and expensive dams on the lower Snake River.


From the Road: Freeing the Snake River

The salmon, central to Nimiipuu culture, are facing an extinction crisis due to aging dams and warming waters. Native grassroots organizers, elders, and Nez Perce tribal leaders called for the removal of the Snake River dams at this moving totem pole journey event.


About The NHM: artist statement from Not An Alternative

The Natural History Museum (NHM) is a program of Not An Alternative, a non-profit organization and collective that works at the interaction of art, activism, cultural organizing and critical theory. Since launching in 2014, NHM has grown into an institution in its own right. This artist statement situates NHM’s work within its broader art/activism practice.


Announcing The Red Road to DC

As record-breaking heat waves and floods ravage our continent, we join members of the Lummi Nation for a coast to coast expedition, transporting a 25-foot, hand-carved and painted totem pole from Washington State to Washington D.C., visiting many sacred and historic places under threat from dams, climate change, and resource extraction.


New outdoor exhibition and IMAX-style film venue

This weekend we debuted our new traveling museum venue with a presentation of ‘Whale People: Protectors of the Sea’ at the Lummi Nation. The outdoor exhibition features a 3,000 pound totem pole, and an award-winning IMAX-style film that tells the story of the environmental emergency through the figures of the orca and the salmon.