All Virtual Programs

Words from our Sponsors: the Genealogy of Patronage in Museums

Corporate sponsorship of museums and science education can compromise the basic idea of museums as reliable sources of common knowledge. By considering historical as well as contemporary examples of museum funding, we look at the power structures embedded in practices of collecting and display.


The Museum Divide: Beyond Institutional Critique

Institutional critique expresses and comes up against the limits of the institution. How are activist artists borrowing the vocabulary of the museum and in so doing extending the political potential already dividing the institution from within?


National Parks, Place Names, and #Landback

Place renaming campaigns are not just efforts to make federal lands more inclusive, they are also stepping stones on the path to Indigenous co-governance and #landback.


What’s in a name? Words as Monuments

In this panel, we’ll hear from artists and activists whose interventions reimagine monuments and maps, affirming the signposts and wayfinding signs that point to a world beyond the colonial and capitalist enclosure.


Words are Ideas: Ideology in Language and Place Names

This panel explores the ways in which language functions to structure thought and action, as well as how struggles over language can be part of a collective project of decolonization. Together, panelists will explore the modes of communication through which people have come to discover and assert their collective difference in the world.